What Can You Do About the Alarming Decline in Email Deliverability?

Has your email deliverability declined recently? You’re not alone. Many businesses face this challenge. Let’s explore what’s causing these issues and how you can fix them.

What is Email Deliverability?

Email deliverability refers to the ability of an email to successfully reach the recipient’s inbox without being blocked or marked as spam.

Why Should You Monitor Email Deliverability?

Protect Your Sender Reputation

Monitoring email deliverability helps protect your sender reputation. ISPs track how many of your emails bounce or get marked as spam. High rates can damage your reputation, causing future emails to land in the spam folder. With regular check, you can maintain a good standing and improve overall email performance.

Improve Email Open Rates

High deliverability means more emails reach the inbox, boosting your open rates. The success of a campaign very often depends on just this. Regular monitoring allows you to tweak strategies based on what works so your content engages and reaches your audience. 

Enhance Engagement Through Better Targeting

Deliverability insights allow you to understand which segments engage more. You can refine your targeting tactics based on this information. Better targeting leads to higher engagement, making your campaigns more effective and increasing your return on investment.

Avoid Blacklists

Falling on an email blacklist can halt your email marketing overnight. Fortunately, monitoring deliverability lets you catch and address issues before they escalate to blacklisting. It serves as an early warning system and gives you time to act and avoid severe consequences.

Increase Conversion Rates

Emails that reach the inbox drive more conversions! Monitoring and improving deliverability directly impacts your bottom line. Each email that successfully lands in an inbox represents a potential sale. Maximum conversion potential can be achieved through effective monitoring.

Save Money by Optimizing Resources

Email campaigns cost money. 


Wasting resources on emails that don’t reach inboxes is simply inefficient. You make sure your budget gets results by monitoring deliverability. As a result, marketing costs go down and campaigns are more effective.

Gain Insights from Analytics

Deliverability metrics provide insights beyond whether an email was delivered. They tell you about recipient interaction, device usage, and engagement times. With enough data on hand, you’re able to fine-tune future campaigns and make decisions based on comprehensive data.

Stay Compliant with Regulations

Email compliance laws like GDPR mandate how you manage your email lists and campaigns. Maintaining clean lists and respecting user preferences is key to ensuring compliance. It keeps you out of legal trouble and builds trust with your audience!

Email Deliverability Challenges

Email deliverability often presents a complex challenge for marketers.  

According to Email List Hygiene Report, deliverability rates have seen a notable decrease, with a significant 29.2% decline reported. This downturn impacts the effectiveness of marketing campaigns – as a substantial portion of emails fail to reach their intended inboxes, landing instead in spam folders or getting blocked by email service providers.

To address this issue, email marketers should understand the root causes behind poor deliverability. Key factors include outdated email lists, lack of sender authentication, and the sending of content that triggers spam filters. Regularly cleaning your email list can dramatically improve your deliverability rates. Inactive subscribers are removed, and bounced addresses are corrected. All sorted! 

Implementing proper authentication protocols like SPF, DKIM, and DMARC also boosts your credibility with email providers. Moreover, optimizing email content to avoid spammy keywords and ensuring mobile-friendly email designs can keep your communications clear of spam filters.

For more detailed statistics and insights on improving email deliverability, consider exploring resources such as the Email List Hygiene Report made by Bouncer. 

Best Tips to Increase Email Deliverability

1. Verify Email Addresses

Before sending emails, verify addresses to reduce bounce rates. Use email validation tools to check if the addresses on your list are active and able to receive emails. 

This process prevents sending messages to non-existent email accounts, which can hurt your sender reputation and deliverability.

2. Segment Your Email List

Organize your email list by subscriber activity or demographics. Sending targeted, relevant content increases engagement, which in turn improves deliverability. 

For instance, segment users by purchase history to send them personalized product recommendations, all for higher open rates.

3. Optimize Email Content

Create concise, engaging email content. Use clear subject lines and preheaders that reflect the email’s body.  

Avoid spam-triggering words like “free,” “guarantee,” or “no risk.” Tailoring content to reader preferences increases relevance and engagement, boosting your emails’ chances of landing in the inbox.

4. Implement Regular List Cleaning

Regularly clean your email list to remove inactive subscribers who do not engage with your campaigns. An engaged audience enhances your reputation with email service providers, improving overall deliverability. Conduct this cleaning at least once every six months to maintain a healthy list.

5. Use a Recognizable Sender Name

Utilize a sender name that your subscribers recognize. Whether it’s a person’s name or a brand name, familiarity prevents emails from being ignored or marked as spam.  

For example, a newsletter might come from “Jane Doe at Brand X” rather than a generic email address.

6. Schedule Emails Smartly

Time your emails based on when subscribers are most likely to engage. Analyzing user behavior to determine optimal send times can lead to higher open rates. 

For instance, B2B emails might perform best on weekday mornings, while B2C emails could see better engagement on weekends.

7. Monitor Feedback Loops

Set up feedback loops with major ISPs to receive notifications when recipients mark your emails as spam. Monitoring these reports allows you to quickly address issues with specific subscribers and adjust your strategy to maintain a positive sender reputation.

8. Ensure Email Authentication

Implement email authentication protocols like SPF, DKIM, and DMARC. These help verify that the emails sent from your domain are legitimate and reduce the risk of being flagged as spam. 

Proper authentication assures email providers that your emails meet security standards, aiding deliverability.

Over to You

Email deliverability is like configuring a complex highway system; you need clear signs, proper rules, and regular maintenance to make it run smoothly.

Through implementing the strategies outlined – such as verifying email addresses, optimizing content, and monitoring engagement – you set the stage for successful email campaigns. 

Now, it’s over to you to put these practices into action, refine your approach, and watch your deliverability rates climb.

Bouncer offers even more insight into email deliverability and email list hygiene in their special report. Make sure to check it out – it’s 100% free!


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