Please note presenter guidelines still apply, found here:
In respect of content please provide timely responses to your moderator, make time for any pre event calls they suggest. Panels are held on Wednesday and you have the opportunity to get to know each other in person ahead of your panel.
Moderator Guidelines:
1. Welcome the audience and introduce the panelists or provide panelists an opportunity to inroduce themselves. If you would like this function to be handled by the event MC and host please advise.
2. Provide an overview of the topic and the purpose of the panel discussion.
3. Introduce the questions you will be asking to the panelists and explain how they will be answered.
4. Set expectations for the audience regarding participation and respect for the panelists.
5. Encourage audience engagement by allowing for questions and comments throughout the discussion or at the end of the discussion as you prefer and explain that to the audience at the beginning.
6. Ensure that all panelists have equal opportunity to participate in the discussion.
7. Remain impartial and open-minded throughout the discussion.
8. Monitor the time and ensure that all topics are discussed within the allotted time frame.
9. Summarise key points from the discussion and thank the panelists for their participation.
Panelist Guidelines:
1. Prepare ahead of time by researching your topic and familiarising yourself with any materials that have been provided.
2. Arrive early to the conference and introduce yourself to the moderator and other panelists.
3. Be aware of the moderator’s signals to ensure that all topics are covered in a timely manner.
4. Speak clearly and concisely when answering questions or making comments.
5. Respect the opinions of other panelists and allow for open discussion of ideas.
6. Remain professional throughout the panel discussion and avoid personal attacks on other panelists or audience members.
7. Answer questions honestly and provide evidence-based responses when possible.
8. Remember to please thank the moderator, other panelists, and the audience for their participation at the end of the discussion.