Hat Tip and thanks to Sara Watts for creating this guide for when traveling to Spain. This is not legal advice and no one can be held liable for this information. In good faith it has been put together to assist you, however double check with the websites referenced for any last moment changes etc.
The process applies to those double vaccinated:
Travelling to Spain
Check the latest government guidelines here. https://www.gov.uk/foreign-travel-advice/spain/entry-requirements#entry-rules-in-response-to-coronavirus-covid-19
But in summary if you are double jabbed (with the last jab more than 2 weeks ago) you need to do the following
1. Register with the NHS app https://www.nhs.uk/nhs-app/
> then go https://www.nhs.uk/nhs-app/o the get your NHS covid pass
> once you activate this it is valid for 2 weeks ( so make sure you do it within 2 weeks of your travel)
> choose the send an email option
> print the document from your emails – authorities like to see a printed of version.
2. 48 hours before you fly
– you must fill in a passenger location form https://www.spth.gob.e
– you will need you flight seat numbers and flight number
– you can fill in some of the form before 48 hours but most of it needs to be within the 48 hours
– Again print a copy of this off
– you will be asked to show this when you land. h
3. The rest is just the normal check in etc-
although some airlines ask you to upload the above 2 documents when you check in (others just check it at the airport)
When returning to the UK
You must
1. Book a UK PCR test to do at 2 days (AFTER arrival in UK)
– they are around £20
– they can be booked before you go
– you need to show proof of having made this appointment at the airport and register the booking code on the return form.
Some of the recognised companies doing this can be found here https://www.gov.uk/find-travel-test-provider
2. Complete the following form before you return https://www.gov.uk/provide-journey-contact-details-before-travel-uk
If you are not vaccinated you will need to do a test before you fly and get a fit to fly certificate and a test from a clinic before you return. ( if you are under 18 you still need the test to fly to Spain – but do not need one when you return.